Thursday, May 8, 2008

Week Fourteen

In this blog entry, I want to talk about my future. Mostly because it won't require me to do any research and it's something that's fresh on my mind right now.

I took my last spring semester final exam the other day, and although I'm on my way to Mexico to study abroad this summer before I graduate, I can't help but thing about what's to come next.

I wonder if I'm ready. I wonder what type of person I'll be in the workplace. I wonder about what my next group of friends will be like. I wonder if my college years were the best ones of my life.

I just look at my parents or my elders altogether and am amazed that they have lived so much longer than me. It's crazy for me to think about how much more they have been through than I have and how much stronger they are than me. They've gone through heartbreak, the loss of loved ones, separation from some of their friends, maybe money problems, maybe they've witnessed something horrible, etc. I just think I've experienced a lot, but then I think about people who have lived three, four or five times my life span and just am floored to think what will have come through my path.

It's just coming more of a reality lately; now that I'm about to end an important stage in my life. Not only am I leaving college, but I'm ending my softball career, and that's something that's been a huge part of my life since I was 10 years old. It's kind of surreal, and it hasn't hit me too hard yet.

I just wonder what affect it will have on my first career. Will I work in PR? Is it really even for me? I really just picked this major because one of my friends (whom I am not even that terribly close with) told me that was what she was doing on the phone one day. I was like, "That sounds cool." And that was it. Easy as that.

I know it'll all fall into place; I'm not worried.

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