Saturday, May 3, 2008

Week Eleven

This past Friday, the majority of our class took a trip to Golin-Harris in Dallas. It was great for me because I had never been inside a PR agency before.

There wasn’t one thing I didn’t like, other than the fact that I feel so behind in furthering my career compared to all of my classmates.

I liked being dressed up in business stuff for a day. It’s not what I‘m usually dressed in, but I know that I’ll get used to a new wardrobe once this school year is over with. It’s weird to think that one day I won’t be the girl who wears sweats and a t-shirt every day.

I enjoyed the atmosphere; there was some feeling of professionalism and yet a laid-back kind of vibe that made me feel comfortable.

I liked the people there. They seemed educated and friendly, and I could see some people had a good sense of humor. I’m going to need to be around people who can make me laugh. I can’t be around a bunch of stiffs every day.

It’s exciting to know that soon things are going to change in my life… in a big way. But it is scary. It’s because I’m just unfamiliar with anything different, and I realize that. Sitting in that office Friday, something I thought about a lot was just how things are going to be in a years time or five years time.

I thought about all the mistakes I will have made at work and wondered what friends I will have made. I thought about who will be “that person” in our office. You know? Like the “Dwight.”

Anyway, those were just some of my thoughts throughout the day.

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