Saturday, May 3, 2008

Week Thirteen

I’m excited about our class party. I think it’ll be a great time. I have really enjoyed my time with our class, and I think we’re a pretty good group of kids. It makes me anticipate working one day, because I figure my co-workers will have a similar feel to what our class had. It will probably be mostly girls, and the people will be educated and well-spoken. They’ll have their opinions, which won’t always mesh with one another, and you’ll always have those personalities that are unforgettable. I enjoyed this class largely because of its small size; I think it’s a healthy number. We have had our ups and downs, and I think with a different teacher, the class would have had a dissimilar atmosphere. I think with another teacher, things would have been forced more.

You got out of this class what you put into it, and I think that’s how the real world will be. Nobody is going to really force you to do anything, and when you choose not to apply yourself, you’ll learn the hard way that maybe you should have went about something differently. I learned more in this class than any other one I took this semester for that very reason; I applied myself more in this class even though it was the one I missed most often.

I really hope to stay in touch with everyone, and I’m sure by some weird twist of fate, I’ll randomly run into one of my Ethics classmates down the road. I look forward to that. We’ll talk about our masterpiece Wikipedia assignment or the trip we took to Golin-Harris. We’ll laugh remembering something someone said in class one day, and it’ll be nice. Really, when I think about it, I think the tipping point to enjoying this class so much was because we made one another laugh. Also though, I really had a sincere interest in the material. Deciphering between right and wrong is really what life is about, and that made me anticipate coming to class every week. I applied myself to this class because I know it will help me in the long run. I know I can hold on to something from Cosmopolitanism or our case studies that will help me out someday, and it may not even be in the workplace.

Like I said earlier, I really hope we keep in touch. And hopefully, I remember to bring the chips Monday.

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